All About Conditioners

All About Conditioners

Now that we’ve covered the basics of shampoos, the natural progression is to move on to conditioners.  Because of all the abuse that we inflict on our hair, conditioners are so important to helping to correct any damage. They put oils, moisture, and even protein back into the hair.

So… what kind of conditioner do you need?  Again, ask yourself what you’re trying to accomplish. Is your hair extra dry? Are you experiencing excessive shedding or breakage?  Below is a short list of the most common types of conditioners, along with Adrienne’s Picks.

Moisturizing:  moisture is so important to growing long, healthy hair.  A sure fire way of getting your hair back to where it should be is with a moisturizing conditioner. As I said, moisturizing conditioner should be used after every shampoo.

Protein: used to repair damaged hair caused by heat, relaxing and color treatments. They also help to protect against future damage.  Protein should always be followed by a moisturizing conditioner.

Clarifying: there are also conditioners that can remove product buildup. Again, how can you tell you have product buildup? Your hair and scalp feel coated, or you are experiencing breakage despite regular conditioning. With buildup, products are not penetrating the hair shaft.

Volumizing: some of the ingredients in moisturizing conditioners coat the hair, which can make it heavy. If you have fine hair, this can make it limp and lifeless.  Volumizing conditioners provide the nourishment the hair needs without weighing it down.  I’ve never had this issue because my hair is relatively thick.  Below is a recommendation from a friend who has good results for her fine hair.

Deep: even if your hair is in relatively good condition, a little extra TLC can help improve elasticity, strengthen it and prevent breakage. Every couple of weeks, apply a deep conditioner and sit under a conditioning cap to make sure the hair shaft is penetrated.

No Poo (Conditioner Wash): the easiest way to retain moisture is to use conditioners instead of shampoos. This saves a step by doing both at the same time. Because I have little experience with conditioner washing, I consulted a friend. Below are her recommendations.

A word about Adrienne’s Picks:  Aside from the ones mentioned, these are the conditioners that I’ve personally had success with. As with everything else, if you already have products that give the results that you need, keep using them. I’m definitely an advocate of, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.” If you do use any of the links above, I will earn a small commission (at no cost to you).

If you have any questions, please email me at

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